Implicit Grant flow and group membership within ID_TOKEN


I recently realized thanks to a colleague @MMeuree, that the ID_TOKEN that’s supposed to contain the group membership as shown below:


does not list more than 4 groups (here I grabbed the token using another flow). So, if the user belongs to more than 4 groups, you’re going to see hasgroups: true as part of the token instead of the actual groups. This behavior is by design no matter what you specified in the App manifest with regards to the groupMembershipClaims attribute. So, the alternative is simply to query the Graph API.

Happy Coding!

About Stephane Eyskens

Office 365, Azure PaaS and SharePoint platform expert
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2 Responses to Implicit Grant flow and group membership within ID_TOKEN

  1. doaa says:

    How I can brong this list of groups where it is more than 4 from usinh angular


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